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History of Jade

Symbols of Jade ​

Jade is the 12th, 30th and 35th Wedding Anniversary Gemstone. In the West, Jade is considered to be nature's tranquilizer, a stone which helps us to be more claim and relaxed. Opens intuitive and psychic abilities. In Chinese culture, Jade was considered the "imperial gem" historically and today in China and known as "Yu". Jade symbolizes beauty, nobility, perfection, constancy, power, good fortune, positive energy, ward off evil spirits and keep demons away, and immortality.

Jade and China

​Jade has been adored and revered by the Chinese since time ancient. Both sentiment toward jade and the tradition of jade artistry have endured the passage of time and remained undiminished in strength.

Jade Jewelry

Jade is largely made for various forms of jewelry. Jade pieces are craved with different symbols e.g. monkey (status), bats (blessing), shrimp (laughter), sheep (happiness), flowers, e.g. peony (wealth), lin-tsu (longevity), bamboo (blessing / promotion) or object e.g. ancient money or disc signs (fortune) etc., for different good fortunes. 

Jade Bangle​ & Designs

Jade bangle is a must have for most Chinese families, it symbolizes unity, harmony, and eternity on top of all the goodness. So it is usually given to the bride for her wedding present since time ancient. It is still a practice in China for men to wear jade bangle besides women and children.

There are 3 main designs on Jade Bangle. First is the "Blessing Bangle", it is made with round outside and inner circumference, round and round with blessed perfection. Second is the "Harmony Bangle", it is made with round outside circumference but with flat inner circumference, it is easier to fit in than the Blessing Bangle, so it is named. Third is the "Guifei Bangle", it was designed by an imperial concubine with exceptional beauty Yang Guifei in Tang Dynasty (618-906 A.D.) in small oval shape tight-fit to the wrist for tiny ladies. First and second designs are the most popular nowadays.

Jade Art

In the history of the art of the Chinese empire, jade has had a special significance, comparable with that of gold and diamonds in the West. Jade was used for the finest objects and cult figures, and for grave furnishings for high-ranking members of the imperial family. 

Jade is a stone ingrained in Chinese art, culture and history, stretching 9,000 years back into the ancient and enormous Chinese empire. It is believed to be a link between both the physical and the spiritual worlds, and is the only material that completely encapsulates both the yin and yang qualities of Heaven and Earth, earning it the moniker The Stone of Heaven.

Jade’s durability and toughness are unmatched which was the best material to use for tools and weapons because of its interlocking fibrous structure making it tough and harder than steel.

Jade has been an indispensable favorite to the Chinese for over 5,000 years from emperors to civilians. We hope wearing jade will become a global favorite.

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